Looking for fresh data regarding the impact of the number of links and the subject length on email marketing results

Brad, a visitor of my blog asked me where I found the data that I put in a blog post about how the message size, number of links and subject length affects the results in email marketing.

I had to answer him, I had no clue but that these data were probably around for some time now.

After some digging and “with a little help from my friends” (that’s also the title of a song, written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney and probably best known in the Joe Cocker version, but what am I talking about here?), I found the source.

It’s based on results from research by Lyris, dating back from 2004. Here’s the link.

Since 2004 is not really “yesterday” (which is also a song from The Beatles), I call upon the help from my friends on the WWW and if possible the folks at Lyris, to see if there are more recent data regarding this topic.

If you provide them by commenting here, you will have my eternal gratitude, and I guess that of Brad too.

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