Only Influencers: Email Marketing’s Exclusive Club

I’m proud to say I’m a member of a rather exclusive online club known as “Only Influencers.” This list/site/community focuses on email marketing, but also discusses other channels such as social and further expansion is planned. Over the past year I’ve been a member, it has repeatedly provided me with great information and insight marketing leaders and visionaries.

I wanted to share this great resource with you and so I emailed Bill McCloskey, the founder, and asked him a few questions.

Can you give us a quick history of Only Influencers?

Bill: Back around 2001 I started a small listserv for people in the digital marketing community called the One Hundred Club. It was really a who’s who of digital marketing at the time. When I founded and launched Email Data Source (now eDataSource), it made sense to create a separate list that focused on email marketing, so in 2005 I started The Inbox Insiders, which was an invitation only list, again, for the who’s who of email marketing.

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How to completely isolate yourself from your social media community in 5 steps

Social media marketing community

When it comes to social media marketing, there are just as many ‘do nots’ as there are ‘dos’. The most effective social media marketing presences are not always those that spend the most time on their social media campaigns, but those that spend the smartest time on their marketing efforts.

There are not that many rules to follow when it comes to social media. Yes, there are guidelines, and there are certainly best practices, but when it comes to pure rules, the world of social media is remarkably self-regulating.

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