Word-of-mouth is about telling and sharing stories

Many marketers still wrongly think that word of mouth (WOM) mainly revolves around communication. However, actually it doesn’t.

Of course there is a communication aspect in WOM, but it is not the essence, it is rather a necessary element. The main question, however, is why people talk about stuff, including our companies, brands and products. 

Besides all possible psychological reasons (and there are quite a few), we often forget the essence of WOM: the message itself, the topic or rather, the story.

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How to respond to social media criticism

It is often said that there is one great thing about blogs and social media, and one equally bad thing.

The great thing, obviously, is that they have given a voice to thousands of intellectuals, remarkable people, and revolutionaries that would have otherwise gone unheard. Thousands of new ideas are out there, millions of people are joining the conversation, and new relationships are being created every second of every day.

Of course, the bad thing is that every idiot (including me), every incompetent businessperson, and every malicious internet user has a voice. From abusive blogs to outright hate speech social media groups, the issue of abusive and malicious content on social media networks is one that’s attracted a lot of strong opinions and a lot of discussion.

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