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Here are some stats (updated April 14, 2010)
– An average of 1,200 unique visitors per day and growing
– Over 1,100 fans on Facebook
– Over 600 newsletter subscribers (launched on April 2)
– Over 5,000 Twitter fans
Top countries our visitors come from (updated April 14, 2010)
1. United States: 49.9%
2. United Kingdom: 7.1%
3. India: 6.7%
4. Germany: 6.3%
5. Canada: 4.3%
Real-time stats
Watch the graphic below from Compete.com and feel free to compare us there with other blogs. Notice: this graph covers 13 months (it’s the only solution Compete offer for embedded graphs) but we launched mid december 2009.

These are the advertising possibilities we provide:
1) Display ads
125 x 125 image ads
– $150 per month
– $250 for 2 months
250 x 250 image ad
– $390 per month
– $700 for two months
160 x 600 wide skyscraper
– $650 per month
– $1,050 for 2 months
2) Lead generation programs & nifty solutions
This is what we are good at: content-based solutions, white papers, lead generation, cross-channel campaigns, social bookmarking campaigns, etc, using a combination of branding (display) and direct results.
Talk to us and we’ll make you a tailor-made proposal in function of your needs and budget.
For these and other possibilities contact us via info@socialemailmarketing.eu
Or call us: +(00)44 (0)20 3287 6831
Notice: we do not accept sponsored posts.