Social media marketing: the rainbow theory

As you know I’m one of the co-founders of the Social Marketing Forum.

Yesterday we finally launched a Facebook page, and today I came across an interesting slideshare that was posted there by one of the first fans, @ndecrock.

The slideshare is called the Rainbow Theory and is a “conceptual approach for marketers that are new to social media” as Nick calls it.

I retweeted Nick’s appeal to get feedback on the theory but let’s take a look at it here too.

In fact, Nick’s theory is a nice take on social media from the overall marketing perspective, something we have been talking about on this blog so often.

By using the image of a rainbow Nick found a way to explain to marketers that they need to define where they want to start, and what they want to achieve in the end. And of course a rainbow is not something you can grasp, so that’s a way of saying that there are many myths surrounding social media marketing.

I kind of like the way Nick approaches the topic because it’s about people, connections, value and the bottom-line and that’s all that matters.

Check out this brand new slideshare presentation below and add your comments. Or even better: share them directly with Nick on Facebook. After all that’s where he asked some feedback to begin with.

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