Email marketing: changes in the average open rates and click rates

Several recent studies have found that there is a clear influence of the use of social media on the use of email, especially in B2C environments. We know, for instance, that the use of social media for communication purposes has a slightly negative effect on the use of email, especially in private communication. 

We also know that the use of social media might have an effect on the time that passes between the moment people get an email in their inbox and the moment, they open it, again in B2C.

It might be fair to ask ourselves if the social media evolution has changed the average open rates and click rates too. Looking at the trends and benchmark reports that I received lately from some ESP’s there seems to be no negative effect.   

On the contrary, many benchmarks show the opposite: an increase in both open rates and click-through rates. Now you know you should be careful with such results but nevertheless, it’s an interesting phenomenon.

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Email marketing: the risks of comparing your open rates and click-through rates with those of others

The most used tactical metrics in email marketing still include the ‘open rate’ and the ‘click rate’ or ‘click-through rate’ (CTR). 

Just as a reminder: the ‘open rate’ is a percentage that expresses the ratio between the number of emails that are delivered to the recipient (all emails that reached the inbox) and the number of subscribers who actually opened the mail. 

The CTR is the number of emails that were clicked at least once, divided by the number of delivered emails. 

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