Why, according to Forrester Research, you should use Twitter for marketing

Forrester Research released a new report on Twitter. Since I’m not rich, I can only tell you what’s in the executive summary.

So here goes: according to the report 8% of US online adults post and read updates on Twitter at least monthly, while another 4% read but don’t post. 

Seems like a small group of people, doesn’t it? Well, Forrester thinks you should, nevertheless, go ahead with your Twitter marketing (as I do, from a cross-channel perspective).

Let me quote from the executive summary: “While modest, both of these groups (the 4% and 8% I just mentioned) will prove powerful for marketers to tap”. 

Why? Because they “are influential and highly active in social applications”. Now, that’s something I posted about somewhere else, based on European research. I’ll look it up and post about it later, deal?

Back to Forrester. There is another reason to focus on the ‘modest group’ of Twitter users: “these Tweeters want to interact with you: 26% say they recently started to follow a company on Twitter”. 

And then a word of advice from Forrester: “to tap this channel profitably, concentrate on delivering value, not just promoting your brand. Quickly engage people who mention your brand, share content worth tweeting about, recognize what tweets work, and dedicate staff to managing your Twitter presence”.

If you want more you’ll need to buy the report.


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