Integrating web analytics data into email databases: still a challenge

In an ongoing email marketing survey, I get to look in now and then, one of the findings is that many of the surveyed email marketers want to invest in a better integration of email marketing and web analytics.

It seems that the survey will have it right if we look at the Alterian survey I posted about yesterday. 

Alterian’s survey went further to “explore the extent to which organizations integrate marketing technologies across their organization”. 

And what do I read? 

42% of respondents said they don’t incorporate clickstream and web analytics data into their customer and email database.

It seems that the challenge of incorporating web analytics data into email databases (and in general the integration of email marketing and web analytics) is not only a European challenge.

The survey I mentioned in my introduction mainly has European respondents while 62% of the Alterian survey respondents come from North America.

Of course the good news is that 58% of respondents do incorporate their clickstream/web analytics data into their customer or email database.

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