My LinkedIn promise for the new year (and some LinkedIn resources)

The last few days it occurred to me that I hadn’t been active on LinkedIn since a while. Setting up this blog and other stuff simply didn’t allow me too.

Now I have been nurturing my LinkedIn account a bit again, and it suddenly struck me that I haven’t been talking much about LinkedIn here.

Yesterday, I connected – via LinkedIn – with a few people, including the co-author of the book “LinkedWorking”.

I also personally know Jan Vermeiren, a networking coach, since many years (I think long before LinkedIn even existed) who wrote another book on LinkedIn: “How to REALLY use LinkedIn” (it’s on Amazon, just like “LinkedWorking”).

And there are more books about how to use LinkedIn for business. So it’s about time I start posting about LinkedIn more often. There is a lot that I know, but I guess talking to the author of one of these books (or both, why not?) might be a good idea.

For the impatient visitor: I know that there is a white paper from Jan Vermeiren about LinkedIn on (well, in fact it’s a “light” version of his book), I know that there is an interesting article about LinkedIn on MarketingProfs now by Brian Carroll, and I know that last week the Wall Street Journal published an interesting article about LinkedIn too.

And finally this: I noticed that I just had a new follower on Twitter, called…LinkedInTrainer that has a fine group blog about LinkedIn that you can find here.

Did I mention that I will start posting more about LinkedIn (if I don’t drop dead from starting up several things at the same time)?

Stay tuned (or connected, linked in, whatever). If you’re a LinkedIn expert and I forgot to mention you: please comment. And if you know good LinkedIn resources: feel free to share them too.

Update: just found this quote via Twitter, I love it: “It seems that Twitter and Facebook are becoming the two great suns in our social galaxy. Facebook for people you know, and Twitter for the people that you want to know.”

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