15 conversion killers (and what to do about them)

Conversionmarketing Earlier this week, Dave Chaffey, posted a slideshare presentation on his excellent blog (bookmark it, really, it offers hands-on tips and insights regarding all areas of interactive marketing and probably deserves more attention than the posts I often bother you with).

The presentation is by the people of Conversion Rate Experts and sums up 15 conversion killers and the remedies. Something every email marketer, usability expert and many others will like to watch and learn from.

You might know many of them already but it’s a good reminder. My favourite one? “I don’t trust you”.

By the way and a bit off-topic (although it also concerns conversion): those that are interested in SEO and want to know about the impact of Google’s Instant on SEO can read a post about it on Dave’s blog here (and of course on many other places).

Enough said, here are your 15 conversion killers.


Gruesome conversion-killing mistakes

J-P De Clerck

JP3 J-P De Clerck is a 360 degrees interactive marketing consultant and serial bloggers, specialized in the cross-fertilization of online channels and interactions. His areas of expertise include email marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing, content marketing, web analytics and conversion optimization. He manages several blogs and online communities regarding various interactive marketing and media topics.

You can connect with him via Twitter or visit his personal blog here.


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