Common email delivery myths

Here are a few common phrases email service providers make which they really can’t backup.

1- We get + 90% deliverability
2- Whitelisting will answer your deliverability problems
3- Our deliverability department can handle all your issues
4- You won’t be on blacklists.

These are common myths ESPs give to leads they want to be clients. It’s common practice in marketing to offer more than you can deliver, but it usually hurts the seller more than the buyer. In this instance, the buyer is tricked.

Let’s bust those myths, first with ESP deliverability.

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Guest post: create relevant email campaigns, your reputation is at stake

Reaching the inbox of your customers and prospects and generating high response are inextricably linked.

Subscribers quickly tire of irrelevant messages and will complain by clicking the “report spam” button, depressing response rates for all campaigns.

The only way to improve inbox deliverability and response is to create compelling subscriber experiences. 

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