Chris Brogan on social media marketing: “Measure it by the cash register”

Chris Brogan New contributor Chris Hall, who blogs on his own Cow Bell blog and is an administrator of the Social Marketing Forum, recently interviewed Chris Brogan.

Read Chris Brogan’s take on social media marketing in 12 straight forward questions and equally direct answers (I almost feel like tweeting some quotes, will bold them).

It’s the kind of interview I like because it’s down to earth and without BS. Enough said, here’s the interview.

For those of you who don’t know, Chris Brogan is one of the world’s leading figures in social media. In his own words he’s ‘an eleven year veteran of using social media and both web and mobile technologies to build digital relationships for businesses, organizations, and individuals.’

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Hello, are you out there? Why it’s okay NOT to answer every time on social media!

Jonas Klit Nielsen I probably spend about 10 hours everyday, talking, working or thinking of the impact that social media have on us, what social media means, how we use it as individuals or as companies.

I often get asked what the most important thing to remember about social media is – if you as a company want to work and create value by using these new tools.

It comes down to two things, and they are very close related. 

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