Question: Why Do My Clients Unsubscribe from My Email Marketing?

Answer: They just want out of a bad relationship. That may sound a bit strange at first, but it could be the reason.  You see the most important part of email marketing isn’t delivery rates or open rates or even clicks… it’s your relationship with your client.

Do they value your business relationship?  Do you?  Are you sending them relevant and valuable content?”  Do you send the same content to everyone?  Do you know what your client wants or needs from this business relationship?

Business relationships are not unlike personal ones. We all have expectations, wants and needs that we expect the other party to provide in the relationship.  When it comes to your business and email relationship, you must deliver value.  Value will keep them engaged and reading.  Value is not always a discount on services or goods.  Value can be knowledge, education and or solutions to a problem.

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Email Marketing: Where the sidewalk ends the relationship begins

What do the book “Where the sidewalk ends” and the songs; A Boy Named Sue, and The Cover of the Rolling Stone have in common?  They were all written by Shel Silverstein.

In the mid-90s while living in Key West I had the good fortune of meeting Shel through a good friend and got to spend some time with this amazing individual.  My buddy Michael, Shel and myself would meet for breakfast on Saturday when he was in town.  Usually we would discuss music, news on the island and life in general.

While talking to him about my new internet business and sales, Shel gave me some advice I still hold dear to my heart.

He said, “Selling is easy. There are only two reasons people make a purchase. They want something or they need something. Every sale is emotional, whether someone is buying a car, a pair of socks or even a website.  At the moment of the actual sale, the person buying has started a relationship with you and will continue that relationship if you hold-up your end of the relationship.  They also think this is a one-to-one relationship.”

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