Can we finally conclude that social media marketing is not a hype?

As you know, earlier this week released a report that leaves no room for doubt: social media marketing and email marketing are no competitors but “friends”.

Many have claimed that with the increasing adoption of social media by people, email marketing would go through rough times, to say the least.

But as I wrote in previous posts, this is nonsense, spread by people that focus on marketing and communication channels, rather than on what really matters.

I am not the only one that has been shouting that social media and other marketing channels work together very well. Several ESPs, for instance, knew that the integration between email and social media was coming (read this excellent post for instance).

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State of search engine marketing report: social media tactics and ROI are key topics

The Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO) just released its latest report on the state of search engine marketing.

Reportedly, 1,472 responses were used to publish the findings in the report. One of the key findings in this report revealed just how powerful Google is as a search engine with 97% of the responding companies claiming that they paid to advertise via Google AdWords.

Google is well aware of this and the majority of responses concluded that they had to pay more for Google services than they did in 2009.

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