Content, conversion and the integration of search, social and email marketing

Marketers need to have teasing and effective content on their web sites and blogs to attract visitors and customers. They need persuasive content in their emails. And, after all, that’s what search engine marketing is about as well: getting visitors to your website or to a specific landing page by offering consistent and relevant content. Blog marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, content marketing, they all have one thing in common: they aim to attract, be found and persuade. But is it any different than in email marketing and what skills do we need?

We all know that content is crucial in SEO and that the words in a search engine ad are key to conversion. We also know that content is essential in the post-click process, email marketing and in social media.

Valuable and relevant content is what makes people click a link, take action, download something, further discover your site or blog and share information with others over social networks. The content that matters, however, is the content you need for your – prospective – customers and business goals.

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B2B marketers: marketing automation and conversation

US-based lead management specialist Genius recently published the results of a survey in a report titled ‘B2B Marketing Skills Survey’. In this report, Genius takes a look at the evolving role of the B2B marketer.

It is evident that this role is evolving. It is even inevitable with the increasing focus on customer-centricity, the rise of social media, and the shift in buyer behavior. However, the economic changes along with the growing attention for the ROI of marketing, cause changes as well.

The survey, which marketing automation vendor Genius carried out in cooperation with BtoB Magazine, points out that B2B marketers generally make little use of tools to expand their reach and build (online) relationships with customers and prospects.

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