Social media marketing mistake #1: being present is enough

Social media marketing requires an ongoing commitment. Simply being present and a ‘me too’ attitude will bring more harm to your business than benefits.

A simple presence on Facebook or Twitter is just the start of a relationship. It’s like in real life: if you don’t speak, listen and answer, you will not be perceived as the most social person. The same applies to your company.

In order to get noticed on social networks, gain ‘friends’ or ‘followers’ as they are called (what’s in a name…) and set up conversations with them and move to actual relationships, you have to offer something: valuable and relevant content and information. This content can take many forms: good advice, tips and tricks, personalized promotions, whitepapers, answers to question.

As long as it’s relevant, just like your social media presence! What’s in it for you to use social media and, most of all, what’s in it for the people you are reaching out to (or who happen to stumble upon your account). New media, same rules. Relevance over presence.

But most of all: see the bigger picture: your social presences are not stand-alone. Look at the integration of your social media marketing and email marketing, for instance. Or how your social media marketing fits in the overall marketing strategy. And, even more important: how your social media presences offers consistent and engaging customer experiences, across all touchpoints.

It’s all about a holistic approach and integrated, connected view on customer experiences, beyond the silos and channels.