Email marketing: why would you use a no reply email address?

I’ve been talking about the problem of using no reply email addresses and automatic confirmation emails in previous posts.

Guest blogger Kenny Van Beeck from Emailgarage, who was also our man in Miami for MarketingSherpa’s Email Summit, sent me a post with his view on the matter.

Read what he has to say about it and please, as always, add your comments.

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Email marketing tips: automatic confirmation emails; keep it personal

When asking a question to a customer service or applying for something by email, (potential) customers often receive an email back to say that their request has been well received and will treated as soon as possible.

That’s nice: at least the customer knows that his request got through and that it will be answered as soon as possible. However, in this instant society customers like to know exactly when their question will be treated. So instead of saying ‘as soon as possible’ you might want to say ‘within 24 hours’ (if you can live up to that promise).

Another issue with automatic confirmation emails is that often the ‘sender’ of the mail can not be reached.

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