Help needed: let us build a worldwide list of email marketing service providers

I’m trying to build a list of Email marketing Service Providers or ESP from over the whole world. Now, I know it’s a crazy mission.

There are probably thousands. I will start with some, I know. But then comes the challenge: how will I ever complete this list?

That’s where I hope, you, dear visitor, come in. If you’re an email marketer or an ESP, from Bangladesh, the U.S., Indonesia, South-Africa or anywhere else in the world: comment on this page and I will gladly check the ESP and add it to my list.

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The battle of the email marketing service providers for international expansion

There are lots of ESPs. Some have a particular focus on specific vertical markets. Others focus on offering more than just email and become integrated marketing solution providers. Still others are leaders in social email marketing. And there are those whose email marketing platforms become marketing automation platforms.

You have local players and regional players. And then you have those that don’t think local or regional but global.

Competition is increasing in this last category. The battle of the big ESPs seems to be partially a battle for global expansion and a presence in the main markets.

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