Social bookmarking: can it be used to generate leads?

For years, SEO experts have been using social bookmarking services as a great way to get free links and potentially explosive viral traffic. 

Thanks to dedicated communities, content gets pushed around and linked to by hundreds, if not thousands, of people, allowing master search engine marketers to push their site right to the top of the rankings.

Of course, that promotional value is not limited to SEO professionals alone.

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Digg and social bookmarking: content and community tips to gain traffic

This week-end I finally found some time to get active on Digg. I already used Delicious for this blog but the advantage of Digg is that you can share your favorites and at the same time delve up some good content from others, etc.

Over the next few weeks I will be testing out the effects of Digg. Well, in fact, I’m testing out quite some things at the same time, for the moment: social bookmarking and a dozen of social media tools such as Spredfast and Twittercounter, the well-know service of Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, the guy behind The Next Web blog and conference, who I will be interviewing when he’s back from his trip to the States. In fact, the last time I interviewed him was just before the launch of The Next Web, time goes fast sometimes.

Back to social bookmarking and Digg.

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