Watch out YouTube: Truveo search app helps Facebook becoming a hub for online video viewing

Online video

An increasing number of marketers and, obviously, also search engine marketers are discovering the possibilities of online video. With YouTube videos showing up in Google’s search results and the increasing importance of social networks for SEO purposes, online video is yet another way to “UnGoogle your online marketing” a bit, as TopRank recently called it.

By the way: I recently found the just mentioned post via an excellent article about the MayDay update by Dr. Dave Chaffey who thoroughly tested the impact of Google’s MayDay update, using Google Analytics.

Back to online video.

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Social media marketing case study: Toyota’s “Sienna Family”


The people of Mindjumpers, contributors to this blogs and co-founders of the Social Marketing Forum, give an example of how social media marketing can be used by car manufacturers to go viral and get buzz, moving beyond the traditional car commercial.

Car manufacturers are typical big spenders when it comes to online and offline advertising and the launch of a new car always leads to a series of advertisements.

I guess we all know how these ads look. A shiny car going along the road. Something about how safe it is and what pleasure it is to drive.

Toyota has launched a campaign that moves beyond the classic campaigns. To promote the new Toyota Sienna SE the company does something new, fun and involving.

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