“To Write Love on her Arms” wins the #AmericaWants Twitter charity campaign

End of last week, USA Today announced the results of its Twitter hashtag campaign, #AmericaWants, for charity.

The winner of the Twitter charity campaign, “To Write Love on Her Arms” is a non-profit movement dedicated to help people with depression, addiction, self-injury and other psychological problems.

With the most tweets of support, ‘To Write Love on Her Arms’ receives a full-page, full-color ad in USA Today.

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Be found on Twitter (or is it don’t be hacked?)

Well, I guess you were all invited by Twitter today via a pop-up window to be found via your email address.

When you click the blue question mark icon, you’re sent to this post on the Twitter Support forum regarding ‘contact discoverability’.

Is that really the purpose or is there more? I already got two DMs today from people that had their Twitter account hacked and had to create a new one. They did because they have no idea what to do if you want your account back.

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