UK marketers plan to invest more in social media marketing

Bigmouthmedia and Econsultancy recently released ‘The Social Media and Online PR Report’. It revealed that 86% of the more than 1,100 surveyed UK companies and agencies are planning to invest more money in social media next year.

But the report also found that it’s not easy to get social. It’s apparently not a question of know-how but of resources.

54% of the respondents said that their biggest barrier to better social media engagement was indeed a lack of resources, with 90% (!) of businesses stating that social media is taking up more time internally than a year ago.

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CMOs want to invest in social media in 2010 but they want results

According to a survey that was conducted by Bazaarvoice and The CMO Club, Chief Marketing Officers want to be able to better measure their social media activities next year.

The survey results show that CMOs are planning to invest more in social media in 2010 but not because ‘others do too’.

As is the case with marketing in general these days, CMOs want to know the return of their spend across various media and channels. And of course social media is just one of them, albeit the main one for 2010.

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