Using video in email marketing: possibilities and challenges

Email Studies, mainly by ESPs, have shown that using video in email marketing might have a positive impact on conversion and recipient engagement. I have discussed some possibilities for email marketers to integrate video in their campaigns earlier.

In this post, I look at the issue from all possible viewpoints, with additional input from the people at Gold Lasso.

Considering that billions of videos are viewed online every single month, it’s no surprise that marketers and retailers are eager to incorporate video into their email marketing campaigns.

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Viral marketing: how to create and guide controversy

If you have a healthy interest in social media, it should not be surprising to find yourself spending an hour or two a day reading through tech websites, looking at controversies and discussions of the social media world.

From Facebook to Myspace, social media companies are constantly in the news, drawing criticism and controversy for their decisions. It is not limited to the major players, either. Check out any major technology website and you will see links to hundreds of small companies that are becoming involved in scandalous, controversial stories.

This constant barrage of controversy does two things to your news intake.

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