Email marketing: creating a call to action using the right words and stories

The most important part of any text marketing resource is the final section: the call to action.

From direct mail marketing all the way to the online world, the most effective sales pages and promotional emails are designed with a clear call to action, whether it is calling for people to buy their product, donate to their cause, or even simply visit their website.

Success as an email marketer is dependent on a lot of things. The call to action is both psychology and mathematics; marketers need to understand basic psychology and emotional actions to implement it, and then require mathematical analysis abilities to hone and test it.

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Email marketing and call to action: how do I get people to the landing page?

Pieter Wuyts Allow me to introduce you to yet another contributor and his first post. I’m convinced that all email marketers out there will love the stuff Pieter Wuyts writes.

Why? Because Pieter is one of the founders of 8Seconds, that very quickly became the market leader in real time email testing. The company is market leader in real-time multivariate testing in email marketing campaigns. So no big theories but real-life tips and tricks to boost conversion rates and efficiency of your email marketing. In this first post, Pieter immediately gives a bunch of tips. The question he answers is how to get people to the landing page. Think call to action, buttons and read these excellent tips!

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