Email or social media: empathy and listening are key in customer service

Joseph jaffe the customer service manifesto Recently I wrote about Joseph Jaffe’s Customer Service Manifesto. Now, Joseph doesn’t mean customer service as most of us interprete it (problem solving, etc.). However, in this post I will use the term in its more traditional sense.

Today we are using all possible channels to provide customer service to our customers. As I wrote earlier, people demand 24/24 and 7/7.

And I don’t mind adding to it that people have inflated expectations and sometimes demands that are exaggerated. We live in a society of instant gratification and, to be honest, I personally find this rather sad.

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Ask a question to Seth Godin

A while ago I wrote a post about Seth Godin coming to mainland Europe. Well, it was more a post to Seth Godin (can you use a blog as a messaging system?).

So, in case you don’t know, Seth is talking a bit everywhere in Europe these days, and if I’m right, he will be talking in Antwerp today or tomorrow or was it yesterday, don’t know really (BTW, Antwerp is in Belgium in case you don’t know).

I just got a DM from a Belgian friend who says that the people of WDM Central (who seem to love data if you check out their site, “Data is the new oil”) will be organizing a live chat with Seth tomorrow.

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