Simplify and focus: key questions for B2B content marketing

Simplify and focus. That’s been my mantra lately. When I joined Twitter and started blogging early last year, I felt like a sponge, wanting to consume as much as I could.

While I still love to learn and I read as much as I can, I also find myself really focusing on certain things while tuning out others things that may have caught my attention a few months ago. Your prospects are doing this, too.

So, as I was reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, I was struck by one of his conclusions.

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Michele Linn’s 5 ways to find the perfect keywords for your B2B content

Afbeelding_B2B Here is another great post from Michele Linn. This time, she looks at how to find the keywords for your business-to-business content marketing strategy.

Something easily overlooked in content creation is the importance of keywords. Marketers often think about keywords when optimizing a website for search, but keywords are equally important is for ALL content you create, such as blog posts, white papers, eBooks, press releases, etc.

It’s a great idea to develop a list of keywords that you use consistently throughout all of your content. Of course, this begs the question: how do you know what the right keywords are? As a starting place, consider these five tips.

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