The Tipping Point and social media

Jonas Klit Nielsen from Mindjumpers This is not a post about when social media hits the Tipping Point; it’s more a bunch of some initial thoughts on a part of Malcom Gladwell´s theory and who in social media it applies to.

Said from the beginning – I would like your comments and thoughts on this – so please while reading, prepare yourself to leave those valuable thoughts.

At Mindjumpers, we have for a while now been looking into the first part of the Tipping Point theory, the part of how things go viral, not through the quantity of people, but through the quality.

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Would having 100,000 friends on Facebook make sense?

Jonas Klit Nielsen from In an interview with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, that TechCrunch posted earlier today, two interesting facts came up.

More than 50% of Facebook users use the social network daily,  that’s just about 175 million people, an enormous large number.

From that I can’t help thinking that Zuckerbergs’ original vision for Facebook is going to be the future for Facebook, it’s becoming a platform for its users daily life.

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