Value in engagement, content and social media marketing: respect and ROI

Value Value is a word with a lot of meanings. Most of the time I use it in the context of ‘valuable’ content or delivering value to people in a content, engagement and social media marketing context.

But of course it also has other meanings. The first meaning, as I just described it, has to do with perceived value in relationships and ultimately is about respect, which is something completely different from value as in $.

Value is like conversations: it’s two-ways. In social media marketing you need commitment and the will to really communicate. And that includes sharing.

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Social media marketing is not a replacement for other forms of marketing

Relationshipmarketing When talking about social media marketing, many people look at the social media themselves, focus on the seemingly endless opportunities of social media marketing and forget the global picture.

Many people also seem to look at social media marketing as a replacement of other forms of marketing.

That is one of the reasons why I don’t want this blog to become known as some social media marketing hype kind of thing but why I try to focus as much as I can on the integration of social media marketing with other forms of marketing (like email marketing) and on the cross-fertilization that social media marketing enables when you use social media the right way and in the right phases of the customer life cycle.

Yes, in social media marketing, people (customers, prospects, partners, fans,…) are key and relationships are crucial but this does not mean that social media marketing is some kind of relationship marketing 2.0.

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