Email marketing: thoughts on getting people to open your emails and permission

The title of this post might seem a bit silly but with an increasing amount of emails sent, ever more email clients (remember Facebook’s plans), the need to focus on relevant content to avoid unsubscribes (and get your emails delivered) and lots of email clients blocking images, it is certainly a topic email marketers are concerned with.

On top of that, with the changing policies of ISPs regarding deliverability (where content, interaction and open rates become increasingly important), you can’t talk about it enough.

Many emails from businesses, even highly targeted marketing emails, do not even get opened. They get binned, marked as spam (often unnecessarily), or archived right from the get-go, and never see the light of day.

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The different steps in a social media marketing campaign: an interview

Bart De Waele You probably know that I have been saying that email marketing, social media marketing and every other form of marketing you can imagine should be a part of an encompassing marketing strategy, enabling you to see the big picture (and the overall ROI), instead of focusing on the channels and media themselves.

Recently, I interviewed Bart De Waele. He’s a Belgian social media expert so you might have never heard about him before. However, his social media marketing and online reputation management company (one of his many ventures) is doing quite well.

I asked Bart to talk a bit about his views on social media marketing. 

For starters, I asked Bart what, according to him, the different steps are that should be taken in a social media marketing campaign.

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