The different steps in a social media marketing campaign: an interview

Bart De Waele You probably know that I have been saying that email marketing, social media marketing and every other form of marketing you can imagine should be a part of an encompassing marketing strategy, enabling you to see the big picture (and the overall ROI), instead of focusing on the channels and media themselves.

Recently, I interviewed Bart De Waele. He’s a Belgian social media expert so you might have never heard about him before. However, his social media marketing and online reputation management company (one of his many ventures) is doing quite well.

I asked Bart to talk a bit about his views on social media marketing. 

For starters, I asked Bart what, according to him, the different steps are that should be taken in a social media marketing campaign.

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Email marketing, social media, etc.; another plea for a holistic and integrated marketing approach

It’s been a while, since I heard about the famous article in the Wall Street Journal. You know, the “Why Email No Longer Rules…” article that caused a bit of a stir among email marketers (and probably generated huge traffic for the WSJ, controversy is one of the best traffic builders for online publishers, eyeballs and CPM revenues guaranteed).

Today, just like any other Saturday, I spent some time surfing the Web and discovered a blog I didn’t know before. It’s called Marketing Trenches and has quite some nice posts (and it’s frequently updated, which is still rather rare for company blogs).

The company behind the blog is US-based marketing consulting firm Right Source Marketing, and I decided to follow them.

What I wanted to share, however, was a post by Will Davis, the guy in command at Right Source.

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