How European businesses are trying out Twitter

Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal, posted an interesting article about the ways businesses are trying out Twitter.

Readers from the US might think “so what” since, as is often the case in new interactive marketing areas, the US has a leading position when it comes down to the corporate use of social media and Twitter.

However, in the article the Wall Street Journal looked at how European firms are trying out Twitter.

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(A whole bunch of) thoughts on the LinkedIn article in the WSJ

As I promised yesterday, I will try to talk more often about LinkedIn on my blog. So here you go. I decided to start with some (well, many) thoughts on the article the Wall Street Journal published on December 30. Brace yourself, it’s a long post.

I noticed that some marketing news sites, including iMedia Connection and MediaPost covered it as well. However, here is my view if you are interested.

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