What went wrong with Google Buzz and why it’s not over yet for Google

John Lai I am happy to introduce you to a new contributor. His name is John Lai, and you might have never heard about him. However, my gutt feeling says that this will change. John lives and studies in New Zealand (last year and of course in marketing) and launched a group blog and community in NZ about social media marketing. John and his contributors follow what is going on in social media land.

So do I. At least, I try. However, the days that I followed everything are over for me. I have been following John for a while and we called a few times over Skype. What I like about John is that, despite his young age, he has opinions, is a no-nonsense guy and has the guts to launch projects and think for himself (and he knows what blogging is and what guest posts are). So, here is the new generation that is completely into and on social media! Read John’s first post, regarding all that went wrong regarding Google Buzz and what is going wrong right now.

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Google Buzz after the buzz and before the release

By now, half the planet knows that yesterday evening Google has announced a new service, called Buzz. I wanted to cover it but unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day and this blogger went to bed instead.

Enough personal stuff. Now that the buzz about Google Buzz is a bit over, time to take a look at it. What does Google Buzz do?

Basically, it allows you to follow the updates of the people that you ‘follow’ in your GMail account and respond to them. But there’s more.

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