A community is something that you earn

Your company probably has a bunch of media, tools, content, etc. However, no matter how strong your communication power is: people ultimately decide for themselves whether they find what you do worthwhile.

Conversation, dialogue, sharing, co-creation, collaboration and participation are key elements in social media marketing and in building communities.

A community is something you have to deserve. Share your experiences, thoughts, tips, etc. Provide value, and you’ll get value back.

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Planning to start using Twitter? Some basic mistakes to avoid

Twitter is a social phenomenon that has taken everyone by surprise. Tweeting was first thought of as a purely social activity similar to text messaging, but marketers quickly figured out it could also be a powerful marketing tool.

And like any tool, when used badly, you get bad results. Sometimes very bad.  Some of the worst mistakes you can make on Twitter are very easily avoided with just a few basic cautions.

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