SEO Consult: the importance of social media optimization

Yesterday, UK-based SEO Consult, TopSEO’s number 1 UK SEO agency, sent out a press release highlighting that social media optimization “can be of considerable benefit to a website’s rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs)”.

I guess most SEM marketers will agree on this and the fact that yet another SEO agency highlights it, is again an illustration of how social media are affecting what we do as marketers.

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Twitter, brands and search engine marketing

Some interesting thoughts from Michael Kahn (Performics) on the importance for brands to get their Twitter handle and on the importance of Twitter for search engine marketing.

Kahn: “Relevant brands have to have a presence on Twitter. Brand name Twitter handles are far too valuable to your brand to let them sit out there for squatters to scoop up. If someone else grabs your handle, they are controlling your brand’s message”

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