A word on email marketing, web analytics, metrics and key performance indicators

A while ago, I wrote about a survey by Alterian that found that 42% of respondents said they don’t incorporate clickstream and web analytics data into their customer and email database.

Now, I’m often using words such as KPIs, ROI metrics and metrics in general on this blog. I realize this could cause some confusion. That’s why in this post, I’ll tackle the difference between metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and metrics.

A typical example of a metric in email marketing is the click-through rate or CTR. In web site analytics a typical example is the number of unique visitors.

To analyze and improve the results of your online marketing efforts, you need web analytics and workable parameters regarding the impact of your strategies on your online business and your business in general.

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The ROI of social media: a range of valuable opinions and insights

Recently, I wrote about the ROI of social media marketing. As you know, there are some misunderstandings and, to say the least, different opinions regarding this topic.

In the Social Marketing Forum, where I’m a member, some interesting opinions regarding the topic were posted when one of the members asked about the ROI of social media marketing.

I’m going to sum them up because it’s really interesting to have the opinions from different experts, with different backgrounds (performance marketing, social media management, B2B lead management marketing, web analytics, etc.). 

So, this will be the longest post ever on this blog, but it’s one you might want to print…

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