Email marketing: it’s time to invest!

If you want your email marketing program to succeed, you need to invest in the necessary resources, tools, creativity and time. You remember how, in the old days, we always said that “email marketing was cheap because it required no stamps”?

Well, those were the days that many of us looked at email marketing as the online equivalent of direct marketing. Email often still serves direct marketing purposes, but it has become much more than that. And, yes, email marketing still has a low cost per contact.

But for companies that want to go beyond good old email marketing (and that should be all companies), it’s time to spend that extra bit of time, intelligence, tools and effort.

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The ROI of social media: a range of valuable opinions and insights

Recently, I wrote about the ROI of social media marketing. As you know, there are some misunderstandings and, to say the least, different opinions regarding this topic.

In the Social Marketing Forum, where I’m a member, some interesting opinions regarding the topic were posted when one of the members asked about the ROI of social media marketing.

I’m going to sum them up because it’s really interesting to have the opinions from different experts, with different backgrounds (performance marketing, social media management, B2B lead management marketing, web analytics, etc.). 

So, this will be the longest post ever on this blog, but it’s one you might want to print…

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